73 Thoughts of a Northerner Attending a Southern University

Sanford Stadium - UGA

Since I was born, I have lived in the lovely Windy City that is Chicago. I take pride in my hometown- so obsessed with the culture and people that I recently had the Chicago stars tattooed on my ankle, but that is beside the point. What I truly want to talk about is a place hundreds of miles from my beloved skyscrapers- the South. My decision to go away to school in the South was not a difficult one. See, Chicago gets about 40 inches of snow per year. That is 40 inches too much for me. The way I view it, if I have the excuse to go somewhere warm for four years, why not use it?

As April comes to a close, the end of my freshman year at the University of Georgia is quickly approaching too. I am fortunate enough to say that this past year could not have been better and that I do not for a second doubt my choice in college. This contentment in being a dawg does not come as a surprise. What is surprising, however, is the culture shock I experienced when arriving last fall. I knew my classmates were going to talk weird and walk around in jackets in 60 degree weather, but there were many cultural differences that I simply was not aware of. None of these differences are necessarily bad, they are just, well, what make the Northerners and the Southerners different. Although I love my hometown dearly, I am glad I had the opportunity to thoroughly experience just how disparate regions of the same country could be. To give you some insight on what I mean, bear with me as I vocalize the various thoughts that came into my Northern mind as I took on the South.

  1. Is it just me or are most of the girls here blonde?
  2. I guess I didn’t get the memo that my sandals need to be designer.
  3. Jack Rogers what?
  4. If they are so uncomfortable why would you wear them?
  5. Why are my Old Navy flip-flops considered shower shoes?
  6. Seriously. They are cheap and I want to wear them.
  7. “Patagonia.” Pata- what?
  8. I cannot keep up with the number of Southern brands.
  9. Give me Comfort Colors or give me death. Got it.
  10. There is no way I am conforming to wearing large T-shirts and norts.
  11. Wow, who knew large shirts are so comfy?!?
  12. I can never wear sizes medium or small again.
  13. I swear I am wearing pants. 
  14. Monogram this. Monogram that.
  15. The middle letter of the monogram is your last initial…?
  16. Oh I am the one with the accent???
  17. Being a Yankee and being from Chicago are two completely different things.
  18. Ew, Chacos. 
  19. I will never buy Chacos.
  20. What is the deal with the need for a rain jacket and rain boots?
  21. It is just rain. Can’t I wear what I normally wear?
  22. I could really use rain boots right now.
  23. Y’all is not a word.
  24. “Hey y’all!!”
  25. Not sure if I am excited or disappointed that I just used that word…
  26. Don’t say “sir”, you are going to insult the guy.
  27. I am not a “ma’am”, thank you very much!
  28. Football football football FOOTBALLLLL!!!!
  29. I am supposed to wear a dress to the game?
  30. So I dress like I just rolled out of bed on the weekdays and wear fancy clothes on the weekends??
  31. But it is a football game..
  32. Ooooh so this is what tailgating is.
  33. So are these families that are tailgating giving away free food?
  34. I need to buy Ray Bans ASAP.
  35. The guys here are a whole different breed.
  36. Talk about preppy to the max.
  37. Vineyard Vines button-down, Chubbies, New Balance shoes, vest, baseball hat, croakies- check!
  38. I really don’t understand girls’ obsession with trucks.
  39. Isn’t a big truck making up for something else…?
  40. No that is not a “buggy”. That is a “cart”. 
  41. No you do not have “chill bumps”. You have “goose bumps”.
  42. Oh dear Lord, I can tell that I am talking funny now.
  44. I swear it is not that cold.
  45. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, cuz it’s 55 degrees out!!
  46. You do not have an excuse to wear UGGS down here. Ever.
  47. THIS. IS. NOT. COLD.
  48. The snowpocalypse? Really?
  49. I wish I brought a warmer jacket.
  50. Please let it snow so we can get a week off of school.
  51. Why is everything closed on Sundays?
  52. So wait, Chick-fil-A has Chick-fil-A sauce and Zaxby’s has Zax sauce… but aren’t they the same thing?
  53. Y’all just can’t get enough fried chicken, can you?
  54. The cows must love it down here.
  55. Ranch on everything?
  56. Wow, it is like I have never had Ranch before.
  57. RANCH IS THE BEST THING EVER. (Mmm ranch and fries- YAAS)
  58. What am I gonna do when I go back home?
  59. The nearest Chick-fil-A is 20 minutes away…
  60. 70 degrees in March? I can dig it.
  61. My friends are stuck with snow right now, HA!
  62. Sending a Snapchat to them of me in shorts in 3, 2, 1…
  63. Yes, I have tried sweet tea before.
  64. No, I do not like it.
  65. Wait so I don’t have to hang out with my family over Spring break?
  66. Your family has been letting you go with friends on Spring break since you were how old???
  67. I cannot do the South in the Spring.
  68. Talk about bright color overload.
  69. Is it Easter everyday or what?
  70. Where can I buy my typical dark, depressing Northern clothing?
  71. The best part about this school is that it is in a state warm enough for guide dog puppies year round!
  72. Hey, the South is pretty great. 
  73. Maybe I’ll come back to live down here 🙂

One thought on “73 Thoughts of a Northerner Attending a Southern University

  1. I saw this blog and absolutely fell in love with it. I’m going to be a freshman in college and I’m from the North going South. For my final English paper I’m writing about a similar topic and really would love if I could get in contact with the author so I can ask her a few questions, since my essay is more of a literary journalism piece. I hope I can speak with her thanks!


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